ShipCon Limassol Ltd

ShipCon Limassol Ltd

ShipCon Limassol Ltd. is a dynamic and fast-growing company with emphasis on EU research funded projects and vocational and education training (VET).

ShipCon strength lies on the expertise of its core team and the partnership with multi-national associates from all over Europe and beyond. With its Main Headquarters in Cyprus, ShipCon is strategically located in the crossroads of three continents, where specific economy sectors and activities have their own dynamic prospects for development, such as energy, environment and transport services.

It is important to mention that ShipCon has been selected for inclusion in the 2015-16 European Business Awards sponsored by RSM. ShipCon has a long tradition in developing EU research proposals and building successfully bidding consortia for EU funding in a wide range of thematic fields. Part of our success is due to the large network of quality & trusted partners, both in industry as well as in academia that ShipCon maintains at regional and international level.

Since 2008, ShipCon has participated in the development and implementation of LIFE+, H2020, MED, Erasmus, FP7, ENPI MED, Erasmus+ & LLP projects. Moreover, ShipCon has successfully organised Grundtvig IST seminars for adult educators as well as other type of projects, such as Grundtvig Learning partnerships and Multi-lateral (ML) projects. The company has organised more than 30 international seminars in the last six (6) years in the area of entrepreneurship, innovation, emotional intelligence, project management, among others. ShipCon's unparalleled experience & expertise in securing EU funding from various EU programmes, such as H2020 (ex-FP7), Life+, MED, INTERREG, ENPI MED, Erasmus+, renders ShipCon as one of the best research & consulting companies in the South East Mediterranean.


  • Accredited VET centre by Human Resources Development Authority (HRDA)
  • NEBOSH approved centre
  • OPITO (IMIST) invigilation centre - EfVET (European forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training) member
  • 40+ courses in the area of HSE (2013 – )
  • 200+ soft skills courses (2008 – )
  • Included in selection for European Business Awards sponsored by RSM

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Autism Institute

Autism Institute

Autism Institute, previously working as a informal group of enthusiasts and young researches in the field of autism, educational interventions and educational technology, is developing innovative educational interventions for autism, using technology since 2017. After the formalization of the association in 2020, it's main goal is improving the quality of life and empowering persons with Autism & related conditions and their families, through research, education and support.

The distinct objectives of Autism Institute are:

  • Supporting the inclusion of persons with autism in education and society.
  • Promoting and supporting access to education, training, health and social protection, employment and continuous support in the community.
  • Enabling learning, exchange of information, good practices, experiences and recourses in the area.
  • Raising awareness, understanding, and acceptance of autism and co-occurring conditions.
  • Advocating and lobbying for improved societal response to the needs of persons with autism, co-occurring conditions and their families.
  • Advocating for the rights of persons with autism and co-occurring conditions.

Autism Institute applies its strategies in cooperation with local, national and international organizations, schools, teachers and people with autism and related conditions, in order to adjust the environment to reduce obstacles and inequalities for children and people with autism.

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Macedonian Scientific Society for Autism (MSSA)

Macedonian Scientific Society for Autism (MSSA)

Macedonian Scientific Society for Autism (MSSA) is an organization that provides resources for helping people with autism spectrum disorder and their families, institutions and NGOs that work in this area, provides scientific research, educational and professional support in the inclusive society in which persons with autism spectrum disorders and their families have a quality life. It was established on May 22nd 2000.

The MSSA, based in Skopje, is a society of citizens – special educators, psychiatrists, medical doctors, psychologists, social workers, immunologists, allergologists, and other professional and scientific disciplines. It was established to accomplish and coordinate their interests and to perform activities and actions aimed at improving investigation and treatment of those with autism in the Macedonia.

The MSSA’s special aims and objectives are:

  • to promote cooperation with and support for the parents and families of children with autism;
  • to provide support, guidance and coordination for governmental and non-governmental organizations dealing with autism;
  • to develop effective treatment approaches for people with autism;
  • to support the effective rehabilitation of people with autism and their families;
  • to undertake research within this field.

The MSSA has significant experience and expertise in organizing activities and in working in conjunction with both academic partners and families in the Macedonia and beyond. Its membership includes of Macedonia’s leading academics and practitioners in the field of disability and autism. In 22 years of existence, MSSA realized 19 national and international projects.

Macedonian Scientific Society for Autism is registered in the Central Register of Macedonia, according to the article 5, paragraph 1, article 19 and article 72 of the Law of single-counter system and handling trading register and register of other juridical persons (Official Gazette 84/05), on 25.12.2006 has transferred the data from the basic register to the Register of other juridical persons.

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CYCLISIS is a general education provider and consulting entity, a non profit organization in the broader area of Patras city in Western Greece. The main mission of CYCLISIS is the promotion of knowledge, educational practices and opportunities to the cultural and economic development of the local community and wider society. In order to accomplish its mission, CYCLISIS is operating in order to encourage, support and promote the innovative spirit in various areas such as:

  • Education and Training
  • Social inclusion and intercultural dialogue
  • Innovative methodologies and practices around the entrepreneurial mindset
  • Disabilities and empowerment
  • Non formal practices in education and training provision

CYCLISIS emphasizes on the social inclusion of disadvantaged and marginalized groups and the overall empowerment of individuals through the provision of innovative and integrated educational solutions tailored to meet the explicit needs of the various groups. More particularly the organization focuses on the activating participation of interested parties with different backgrounds on initiatives that entitle people to a better future (whether professionally or at a personal level) through self-empowerment.

CYCLISIS aims at being known for its devotion and professional commitment to excellence. The organizational focal point is to strengthen its cooperation, increase human resources, upgrade and utilize existing human resources, attract parties that who are in need of support and guidance as well as structure and increase participation in initiatives to the end users’ best interest.

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D.A.D.A.A is an active NGO in our area Municipality of Komotini, Prefecture of Rodopi, East Macedonia and Thrace, Greece.

The strength of our organization lies in the will of the parents and caretakers of people in the autism spectrum, to:

  • Assist the above mentioned individuals to participate in the social life of our Municipality and as well families
  • To protect the rights of individuals with A.S.D and their families
  • The improvement of quality of life of every child or adult individual with A.S.D
  • To inform families for the rights of A.S.D individuals which derive from the National legislation
  • To inform and raise public awareness on the subject of A.S.D and especially the local authorities such as Municipalities, Prefectural authorities , active local participants
  • To undertake actions which will eliminate “stigma” of people with A.S.D and their families
  • To provide counseling and psychological support as well as special education
  • The creation of study units, IT Laboratories and daycare center as well as other model units for the above mentioned individuals. D.A.D.A.A MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS
  • Raising local awareness on the problems people with autism spectrum disorders face as well as their families
  • Organization of psychomotor lessons in cooperation with the Department of Physical Education of the Democritus University of Thrace
  • Organization of swimming lessons per individual and exercising in cooperation with the Department of Physical Education of the Democritus University of Thrace and the Municipality of Komotini
  • Function of a meeting point where families of children in the A.S.D can bring their children in order to cover every day needs
  • Psychological support for families who just addressed the issue and assistance in the organization of home every day life
  • Legal support from volunteering lawyers in our area (Law School of Democritus University of Thrace)
  • Organization of various art events in order to financially support the N.G.O
  • Organization of music therapy sessions for A.S.D children and adults.


Center for Special Educational Support (CSOP)

Center for Special Educational Support is a new type of organization in the field of special education in Bulgaria which was established in 2016 by the law of Ministry of Education. According to this Act schools for students with SEN passed an accreditation and many of them were transformed into Centers for special educational support, giving the possibility to students with SEN to be offered not only educational but also therapeutic service. School for children with special needs “D-r Peter Beron” as the only one in north-western district - Vidin with fifty years of professional development in that sphere was also reformed as CSOP.

During the last years the number of students varies from 50 to 40 students from 1st to 12th grade with different mental and physical disorders and increasing number of them with autistic disorders. The staff of CSOP consists from 11 special teachers and therapeutists – speech therapist, ergotherapist, kinezitherapeutist and physiologist. The staff from CSOP creates Individual Educational and Therapeutic Plan for each student in accordance with the needs and peculiarities of students’ development.

The strategic goals of CSOP envisages achieving new competences of the teaching stuff in the sphere of educational didactic activities mainly in autism because of increasing number of students with ASD, modern teaching tools which to reveal students skills for social inclusion.

Erasmus+ projects that the organization participated in widen the teaching capacity and cultural horizon of our staff, implementing the European dimension of individualized special educational curriculum, through European model of teaching.

It will continue the process of modernization of the staff skills and will respond to pupils’ requirements, assuring their successful inclusion.

The competences in the sphere of new teaching techniques assumes very important aspect of our plan for development.

As a member of the National Association of workers at CSOP in Bulgaria, our team successfully spread the project results and increases the added value of each project result.

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.