Exciting Opportunity for Educators! Join TeachSpace and Transform Digital Learning!

Are you an educator passionate about creating accessible learning environments for learners on the Autism Spectrum or Intellectual Disabilities? We have a unique and valuable opportunity for you to be part of the TeachSpace Testing and Training of Trainers (ToT) program!

Introducing TeachSpace, an innovative web application developed to transform digital education!

TeachSpace has been specifically designed to address the challenges faced by learners with Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC) and/or Intellectual Disability (ID) in accessing quality digital education. By incorporating cutting-edge research, user needs analysis, and participatory development practices, TeachSpace provides an inclusive and engaging learning environment like never before.

Its two modules, Studio and Learning, work together seamlessly to create an interactive and personalized digital education. The Studio module allows educators to create custom educational content, while the Learning module caters to the unique needs of learners with ASC and ID, providing tailored feedback and progress tracking.

We are inviting teachers, special educators, rehabilitators, educational assistants, occupational therapists, and educational psychologists to participate in our Testing and Training of Trainers (ToT) program.

Why Should You Participate?

By testing TeachSpace and becoming a participant in our Training of Trainers (ToT) course, you will have the opportunity to:

  1. Enhance Your Teaching Skills: Discover innovative teaching strategies and techniques that leverage digital technology to foster accessible learning environments. Gain expertise in utilizing TeachSpace features to create personalized learning experiences that maximizes learner engagement and progress.
  2. Connect with a Community of Experts: Join a vibrant community of educators and professionals dedicated to advancing digital accessibility and learning for individuals with diverse learning needs. Share your experiences, exchange best practices, and collaborate with like-minded experts in the field of autism and ID.
  3. Become a TechSpace Trainer: As a participant in our ToT course, you will not only gain invaluable knowledge and skills, but you will also have the opportunity to become a TeachSpace Trainer in your local community. By sharing your expertise and training fellow educators, you can amplify the impact of TeachSpace and play a vital role in breaking down barriers to education and empowering learners with ASC and ID.
  4. Shape the Future of Digital Education: Your valuable feedback and insights will contribute to the ongoing development of TeachSpace, ensuring it meets the diverse needs of learners with ASC and ID.

How to Get Involved

Get involved

Testing of TeachSpace Activity Summary:

Training of Trainers Activity Summary:

Local training event summary:

The Ideal Participant

We are looking for highly qualified and experienced educators/trainers who meet the following criteria:

Fill out this form to express your interest today.

Do not miss this opportunity to be a part of the TeachSpace program! Together, lets create an inclusive and accessible digital learning environment that empowers learners with ASC and ID. Join us!

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
