From Training to Impact: Participant Reflections on the ISEC-ADE’s T o T Course for Educators

By Ivana Vasilevska Petrovska

We are thrilled to share the success of our recent training program "Accessible and Quality Digital Education for Autism and Intellectual Disabilities (ID)". This pioneering initiative has empowered dedicated educators from various backgrounds, equipping them with the skills and knowledge to transform their teaching practices and make a significant impact on the lives of students with special needs.

Hands-On Learning and Interactive Sessions

The heart of our training program was its hands-on, interactive approach, designed to engage and inspire participants. One of our trainees, Pavel, a special education teacher, shared, “The practical parts of the training were incredibly valuable. I loved the opportunity to practice using the app for real-life situations.” Another participant, Maria praised the “interaction with other people from other countries, the integration of practical work and theory together, the reflections and case studies.”

Building a Global Community

Our program not only provided professional development but also fostered a vibrant community of educators from different countries. The networking opportunities were a highlight for many. As Dareia remarked, “Learning new things and meeting professionals from other countries was fantastic. It broadened my perspective and opened up new possibilities for collaboration.”

High Praise for Our Trainers

Our trainers' expertise and approachability did not go unnoticed. Vesna shared her gratitude, saying, “The trainers were so nice and easy to follow. They made the content accessible and engaging, which helped me absorb and retain the information better.” Aristotelis echoed this sentiment, emphasizing the inspiring and focused nature of the training: "The trainers inspired me and it was a really focused training."

Overcoming Challenges Together

While the training was a resounding success, participants also highlighted areas for improvement, such as connectivity issues. They expressed a desire for more opportunities to further advance their proficiency through additional, more advanced training sessions. These insights are invaluable as we strive to enhance future sessions and project follow-up initiatives. “More time for advanced experience with the TeachSpace app would be great,” suggested Kaylie, reflecting a common opinion among attendees.

Applying New Skills to the Classroom

The true measure of our program's success lies in its impact on teaching practices. Many participants are already planning to apply what they've learned. Katerina, for instance, shared her excitement: “I can practice this tool in the classroom with all children.” Alexandra expressed a similar sentiment, emphasizing the practical application of new knowledge: “To use TeachSpace and the good practices I learned, with my students, in Art lessons.”

Next Steps: Community Training Sessions

The next training opportunity are the multiple local community training sessions in Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Macedonia. These sessions will be led by the educators who completed the Training of Trainers, ensuring that the knowledge and skills gained are shared widely and effectively.

Stay tuned for more updates and opportunities to get involved. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of students with autism and intellectual disabilities.

Final Thoughts

We are incredibly proud of the strides we've made together and look forward to continuing this journey of empowerment and inclusion. Thank you to all our participants, trainers, and supporters who made this training program a resounding success.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.