Celebrating Accessibility and Progress - A Festive Update on the ISEC-ADE Project

By Ivana Vasilevska Petrovska

Dear ISEC-ADE Community,

As the holiday season approaches, we find ourselves reflecting on the journey we've undertaken together in the realm of inclusive and accessible digital education. The ISEC-ADE project has been nothing short of transformative, and we are excited to share some festive updates and reflections with our wonderful community.

This year has been marked by significant strides toward creating an environment where learners of all abilities can thrive. From the very beginning, our mission has been to break down barriers and build bridges to quality education for every individual.

In the spirit of the season, we're thrilled to announce several exciting developments within the ISEC-ADE project:

  1. 🌟 Accessibility Recommendation for Digital Learning: Our research journey reached a significant milestone with the publication of the Accessibility Recommendation for Digital Learning concerning learners with autism and intellectual disabilities.
  2. 📘 Methodological Guidelines for Educators: Empowering educators with the right tools is at the heart of our mission. We are proud to announce the development and publication of the Accessible and Quality Digital Education for Learners with Autism and Intellectual Disabilities - Methodological Handbook.
  3. 🚀 TeachSpace - A Platform Taking Flight: The journey toward accessible education continues with the successful deployment and testing of TeachSpace. With over 100 engaged users, TeachSpace is making waves as a user-friendly and inclusive digital learning platform.
  4. 🌐 TeachHub on the Horizon: Building on the success of TeachSpace, we are excited to share that TeachHub is in progress! This platform aims to further support educators, fostering collaboration and resource sharing within the community. Knowledge is power, and our team has diligently done foundational work that ensures that our result remains aligned with the genuine needs of the community we serve.

As we celebrate this festive season, we extend our deepest gratitude to everyone who has been a part of the ISEC-ADE collaborative venture. Your dedication, insights, and passion have fuelled our progress, and we are incredibly thankful for your continued support.

The coming year holds the promise of further advancements and the realization of our shared vision for accessible and quality digital education. We are excited about the road ahead and the positive impact our project will have on the lives of learners and educators alike.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
