TeachSpace Digital App Presented at International Scientific Conference

By Ivana Vasilevska Petrovska

The TeachSpace digital app, developed by the ISEC-ADE partnership, was recently presented at the International Scientific Conference titled "Years of Special Education and Rehabilitation Studies". The conference, organized by the Faculty of Philosophy's Institute for Special Education and Rehabilitation, took place at Hotel Granit in Ohrid from September 14 to September 16, 2023. Ivana Vasilevska Petrovska, representing the Autism Institute, delivered a successful poster presentation entitled "TeachSpace: Accessible and Interactive Digital Learning Tool Design".

The presentation focused on defining accessibility through functional characteristics and the software solution that addresses the challenges faced by learners with Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC) and/or Intellectual Disability (ID). TeachSpace is a web-based application that offers interactive learning opportunities. It consists of two modules: Studio, designed for creating educational content, and a Learning module, accessible to learners with ASC and ID. The application evaluates learners' responses, provides feedback, and tracks their progress. It also incorporates elements of gamification and customizable content presentation.

The project's innovative solution, TeachSpace, holds the promise of enhancing access to digital learning opportunities and reducing barriers for learners with ASC and ID. Following testing and piloting, TeachSpace is now available as an open educational resource, thanks to support from the Erasmus+ program. Its adaptable design allows for widespread use in both inclusive and specialized educational environments, making it valuable for teachers, special educators, rehabilitators, speech therapists, educational assistants, and more.

Recommendations: TeachSpace's functional characteristics enable the development of content targeting various skills, including academic, social, behavioral, and communication skills. This versatility makes it a valuable tool for a range of professionals involved in education and rehabilitation.

Despite the challenging working conditions, Ivana Vasilevska Petrovska's presentation garnered significant attention from an international audience, highlighting the importance of the TeachSpace app and the ISEC-ADE project and its potential to improve the lives of learners with ASC and ID.

We extend our gratitude to all those who attended the conference and expressed interest in our project, and we look forward to further collaborations and advancements in the field of special education and rehabilitation.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
