Accessible Digital Learning: Recommendations and Outputs for Learners with Autism and Intellectual Disabilities (Focus Groups Discussion Report)

Using an exploratory and participatory descriptive approach, this study presents information elicited from a series of stakeholder FGDs to understand existing practices, needs, barriers, and goals for the use of digital education tools and content for learners with ASC and ID.

The main conclusions of the project centre upon digital education issues of direct and immediate relevance to learners and their teachers that must be addressed. These issues include: accessibility; acceptability and cultural appropriateness; technology infrastructure and affordability; quality individualized digital content and benefits of digital learning.

By grounding information brought forth by stakeholders in relevant concepts of web content accessibility inclusive design, we propose recommendations and guiding principles for the development of interfaces accessible to learners with ASC and ID.

Recommendations address the physical, intellectual and social dimensions of web accessibility. Additional recommendations address the development of accessible digital learning tools and content that allow for integration of inclusive and SEN teaching practices. Along with allowing the developers to know what they should consider when developing appropriate solutions for learners and teachers, design recommendations can contribute to raise awareness of these professionals about the characteristics of persons with ASC and ID and how technology can be valuable to them.

Following recommended guidelines for proper software design, designers and developers can increase learning access and reduce barriers for learners.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.