Compendium of training materials: Accessible and quality digital education for autism and intellectual disabilities – ToT for Educators

Welcome to the ISEC-ADE’s Accessible and Quality Digital Education for Autism and Intellectual Disabilities - Training of Trainers (ToT) Course compendium. This online collection of materials has been meticulously prepared and curated to support educators, special education professionals, educational assistants, and all individuals involved in the education and support of learners with autism and intellectual disabilities.

Our 4-day professional development program offers a comprehensive exploration of essential topics in digital education. The course is thoughtfully organized into six interactive units, combining theoretical insights with practical skill-building activities. Participants will gain an in-depth understanding of neurodiversity, the unique needs of learners with autism and intellectual disabilities, the principles of universal design for education, and effective teaching strategies to overcome barriers in digital education. Special emphasis is placed on utilizing the TeachSpace and TeachHub platforms, allowing participants to leverage digital tools and resources for personalized and interactive learning experiences.

The compendium includes the following resources to facilitate training sessions:

These resources are designed to empower future trainers to deliver their own training sessions effectively. External organizations are encouraged to use these materials as they are, and can seek permission to customize and integrate the course into their practices as needed. For detailed and additional information on all units, refer to the Accessible and Quality Digital Education for Learners with Autism and Intellectual Disabilities - Methodological Handbook, also created as part of this project.

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